Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Evaluation Of A Project Feasibility Study For Geotechnical...
Abandoned sites due to undesirable soil bearing capacities dramatically increased, and the outcome of this was the scarcity of land and increased demand for natural resources. Affected areas include those which were susceptible to liquefaction and those covered with soft clay and organic soils. Other areas were those in a landslide and contaminated land. However, in most geotechnical projects, it is not possible to obtain a construction site that will meet the design requirements without ground modification. The current practice is to modify the engineering properties of the native problematic soils to meet the design specifications. Nowadays, soils such as, soft clays and organic soils can be improved to the civil engineering†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Design load and function of the structure. †¢ Type of foundation to be used. †¢ Bearing capacity of soil. Almost all construction is built with or upon soil. The bearing capacity of the soil plays a major role in decision making on site selection. When unsuitable construction conditions are encountered, a contractor has four options: (1) Find a new construction site. (2) Redesign the structure so it can be constructed on the poor soil (3) Remove the poor soil and replace it with good soil (4) Improve the engineering properties of the site soils Now a days finding a new construction site may not be possible and redesigning a structure may be more expensive option to adopt. Hence many adopt for removing the soil and replacing it with a good soil or to improve the strength of soil onsite. SOIL STABILIZATION: Soil Stabilization is a method of changing the natural state of soil to achieve the engineering requirements. It includes improving the soil properties of the soil to increase its bearing capacity. Soil stabilization incorporates many methods for modifying the properties of a soil to improve the engineering properties of the soil to improve its performance. Natural soil is a mixture of both complex and variable materials. However the soil at any particular locality is not suitable wholly or partially, to the requirements of the construction engineer. Hence decision must be taken whether to accept the site material as it is
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Animal Experiments For Cosmetics And Household Products
Almost every type of human or animal cell can be grown in the laboratory. Animal experiments for cosmetics and household products continue even though non-animal tests are widely available. Instead of measuring how long it takes a chemical to burn the cornea of a rabbit’s eye, manufacturers can now drop that chemical onto cornea-like 3D tissue structures produced from human cells. Likewise, human skin cultures can be grown and purchased for skin irritation testing. Scientists have managed to coax the cells to grow into 3D structures, such as miniature human organs, which can provide a more realistic way to test new therapies. Testing cosmetic products on animals is not effective and is dangerous to the animals. There are more effective alternatives to the tests that are performed on animals. In Vitro International’s Corrositex (synthetic skin) can provide a chemical corrosivity determination in as little as three minutes to four hours, unlike the experiments on animals which often takes two to four weeks. Crude skin allergy tests in guinea pigs only predict human reactions 72% of the time. But a combination of chemistry and cell-based alternative methods has been shown to accurately predict human reactions 90% of the time. The standard test on pregnant rats to find out if chemical or drugs may harm the developing baby can only detect 60% of dangerous substances. But a cell-based alternative (EST) has 100% accuracy at detecting toxic chemicals. DakDak, anShow MoreRelatedThe Use Of Zebrafish With Spinal Injuries1430 Words  | 6 PagesLindsey Simmonds Ferris 5 AP English Language 18 December 2015 Continue Animal Experimentation In her lab, Catherina Becker studies the capability of zebrafish with spinal injuries to reconstruct their spinal cord. 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Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are lockedRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Illegal827 Words  | 4 PagesAnimal Testing Should Be Illegal Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, is the use of animals in experiments to test product safety. I believe it is a big problem in our society. Every year at least 2.7 million animals are killed in laboratories in Australia alone and at least thirty-three animals die each second worldwide, due to cruel animal tests. Many companies feel it is okay to test on animals because they are deemed not as physiologically or emotionally complex as humansRead MoreEssay on Animal Research Bill655 Words  | 3 Pages__________. Animal Testing Bill Section One: This bill will set rules to any make-up company creating cosmetic products for humans. Companies who create the make-up must have the product tested on animals before testing on humans. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Modern morality play Essay Example For Students
Modern morality play Essay An Inspector Calls is a modern morality play disguised as a detective drama. Show how Priestley uses the conventions of the detective story to put over a moral message to the audience. The fact that An inspector calls is a modern morality play disguised as a detective drama, means that the play is written with a unique style. Priestley assists the conventions of the detective story with his intelligent tool of manipulating time. This construction gives a strong moral message to the audience. Priestley includes some basic conventions, such as a protagonist, a victim and also suspects to indicate to the audience that the play is similar to a detective story. One of the reasons that the action of the play is based on an investigation is to not only engage the audience and sustain their interest, but to also create tension and anticipation before the final revelation is revealed. A standard morality play gives messages to the audience that usually teach them a certain lesson that can be used in real life. We will write a custom essay on Modern morality play specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The resolution of Priestleys play is evidence that there is a morality message to be conveyed. The swift, surprising, ending of the play suddenly puts the audience in the characters minds. Priestley uses this effect to his advantage by being able to aim the moral message to the audience. The playwright includes the conventions of a detective story in his play, in order to create advantages that are made as a result of a detective story. The mystery of the play is first introduced when Inspector Goole makes his surprise entrance to the scene of the Birlings large, suburban, house. In addition the tension of Scene 1 is enhanced when Goole makes hints that in the future he may need to interview more than just Mr. Birling. For example in Act 1 the inspector gravely advises Gerald: Then Id prefer you to stay. This line entices the audience to begin speculating about future twists in the plot of the play. Furthermore, when the inspector firstly introduces murder to a respectable family, an element of mystery is introduced as the audience begins to speculate how the family may be linked to it. As more suspects are gradually questioned about their knowledge of the victim; the audience is informed about her life because the inspector is able to recollect and tell the audience how she was progressively guided to her disturbing death. This use of technique by Priestley engages the audience because the story of Eva Smiths life is slowly revealed until a great climax is reached. The Inspector also uses recapitulation in the play to summarize the previous story and re-inform the audience. This gradually creates tension as the audience is unaware of who will next be linked to the suicide of the victim. The combination of suspects and suspense is a convention of a detective story that is essential in making the play interesting for the audience. The suspects that are involved in the death of the victim are: Arthur Birling; Sybil Birling; Sheila Birling; Eric Birling and Gerald Croft. Each of these suspects is shown by the inspector to be involved in the life and possibly death of a poor, working girl. The inspector reveals the suspects gradually so that the audience is stunned when many members of the family have been found out to have played a part in a single girls life. In addition, suspense is created for the audience when suspects are revealed dramatically. This method makes the play interesting throughout for the reason that innocent-seeming members of a wealthy family are accused of making a girl commit suicide. Inspector Goole also carries out his enquires in a secretive style; an example of this is in Act 1 when Gerald exclaims: Any particular reason why I shouldnt see this girls photograph, Inspector? The Inspectors secretive actions develop the suspense of the play as everyone is made a suspect. .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a , .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a .postImageUrl , .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a , .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a:hover , .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a:visited , .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a:active { border:0!important; } .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a:active , .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u58adeb53f914a76051bfded023d39e1a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Poetic form and language in 'The Pains of Sleep' EssayAlso because the audience is unsure of the potential surprise, they are kept on the edge of their seats and are also interested throughout the play. Priestley makes his protagonist a probing, charismatic investigator so that he can apply pressure to the suspects. This allows him to cut through concealments in order to discover the truth. An example of the Inspectors authority and effectiveness with the suspects is when he indicates that Sheila Birling was also involved: All she knew was- that a customer complained about her- and she had to go. In order to put over a striking, moral message to the audience, the plot is developed towards the conventional detective story climax. This denouement is enforced by Priestley when connections between suspects and the life of the victim are steadily exposed; this point consequently shocks the observing audience and maintains their attention. As the plot develops the suspects are exposed by the detective and are consequently left feeling responsible and also slightly puzzled. For instance in Act 3 Eric admits: And I say the girls dead and we all helped to kill her. Priestley effectively uses this convention of a detective story to create guilt before the twist is revealed at the end of the play. The ending of the play and any confusion is then resolved when the mystery is suddenly solved. This leaves the audience and the characters a moral message to think about. A detective story plot, (a start, development and end) is effective at engaging and satisfying the needs of a theatre audience watching the play. A developing plot builds up tension and then swiftly releases it in a surprising climax.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Probation officer free essay sample
Being a Probation Officer can be interesting and challenging at the same time. You can make a positive impact on one’s life. A Probation Officer’s main role is to make sure that those released into his care are properly rehabilitated and obey to the terms of their probation. The officer also educates those released on probation on what they can and can’t do during the probation period â€Å"Probation and parole can be very cost efficient. In 2010, Larry J. Siegel wrote a report stating that the U. S. spends about twenty five thousand dollars meanwhile probation only spends two thousand. The government saves twenty three thousand dollars by keeping inmates out of prison and keeps prisons from overcrowding. Dangerous criminals should be kept in prison instead of being let out and keeping minor offenders in. Probation helps offenders recover by allowing them to enter society with a different mindset. We will write a custom essay sample on Probation officer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Probation helps offenders recover by allowing them to do such things as preserve employment, gain support and help from their loved ones and once again become a productive citizen. That can’t be done in jail. Most prisoners have drug addictions. Keeping them in doesn’t give them the help that they should be receiving. The offender being out and put on probation allows him to recover himself by taking part in a rehabilitation center. Cons: there is the issue of community safety. Many offenders present a risk to community safety, even if it’s because the person persists in the risky behaviors associated with alcohol or drug abuse. Setting any offender free poses somewhat of a risk, however slight. The courts, judges, defense and prosecuting attorneys and probation personnel weigh these risks and balance them with the best interests of the probationer and victim. Usually, probation personnel monitor high-risk offenders closely through home arrest or electronic monitoring. Then there is the problem of victim concerns. Victims vary widely as to their perspective and feelings regarding probation for their offenders. In some cases, they may quickly forgive the individual and even build a relationship with them. In other situations, they may petition the courts for harsh penalties. Probation allows the courts to monitor the defendant’s activities in the community while he works and repays any restitution that he or she owes his victims. Some victims, however, may care more about his punishment than reimbursement Many offenders need minimal rehabilitation in order to become productive members of society. Completing substance abuse treatment or community service hours can motivate offenders toward compliance with probation requirements. They can stay in the community; maintain family ties and work to contribute to their family. If these same offenders are sent to prison, they might become hardened and learn further criminal behavior, when they could have easily just remained supervised in society. Probation personnel can further monitor compliance with court terms and conditions. One of the primary reasons that traditional probation hasn’t been successful in rehabilitating offenders is much too often probationers are completely unsupervised. An offender on probation could simply fill out a one page report of their work activities and submit this to their probation officer by mail. Offenders that are part of traditional probation programs have a recidivism rate of 65%. That means only 35% of probationers don’t commit new offenses. Offenders are accommodated into halfway houses. This is where offenders have to follow strict rules like curfew. Counsellors and psychiatrists are on call 24 hours a day to help clients with adjusting to outside life and coping with problems if they occur. Probation officers have a large number of offenders and they have a difficult time supervising them closely. This is because there are not enough probation officers to supervise offenders properly. Probation officers have offenders mail in a form weekly or monthly and there is a checklist that an offender has to follow and answer, employment and any law infractions. Pros: Cons our stance we are on the pro side of both probation and parole, as we believe they can be greatly beneficial to both the community and the offenders whom are placed in these programs. Granted, not all cases are a success, but we believe that the criminal justice system would be a far worse place without probation and parole†. (Larry J. Siegel) A Probation Officer plays a key role in changing one’s ways that may not be suitable for the public’s view. The public sees these offenders as no good and thinks they should be removed from our communities and placed in confinement. Knowingly this may resolve the issue of one’s misbehavior for a short length of time but there are many more out their committing these same crimes. So what possibly should be done other than confining these offenders for long or short periods of time, and in an eight by ten cell? Well, a rehabilitation program set up when the offenders is released. This rehabilitation program may also be enforced upon release from jail or prison depending on the offender’s circumstances. Rehabilitation comes in many different forms such as, drug and alcohol classes. A person committing a crime that involved the use of drugs and or alcohol would be required to attend these classes upon release from jail, for a period of thirty days, sessions or the judge’s discretion. There are such classes that revolve around anger management classes; this would assist an offender in learning how to deal with anger issues and present those ways to relieve one’s stress, anxiety, or just the urge to combat. Rehabilitation also involves community service. Such offenders would be required to sign up at a local agency (Caltrans), and on a daily basis be required to show up at a set time and clean-up the sides of freeways, underpasses, parks, and communities. This would be a way to assist an offender in being accepted back into his or her community. Becoming a Probation Officer, as of 1995 virtually every state has a Probation Officer program in place for young and old law offenders. The duties of Probation Officers vary from state to state. A Probation Officer will meet with the â€Å"offender†on a regular basis and will provide guidance to the offender that will help the offender make better decisions in life. In the hope the offender will conform to the laws. Other duties can include field work such as locating an offender who’s failed to report as agreed and also testifying in a court regarding the probation violation(s). A life as a Probation Officer will be interesting and challenging. Probation Officers must have a keen interest in both criminal justice enforcement and helping young and old law offenders. Being a Probation Officer requires performing several duties and putting in a great amount of time and energy. This career provides a unique opportunity to intervene in the lives of criminal offenders and provide an opportunity for reform. The career comes with safety risks, but many current officers relish the opportunity to make a difference in not only one’s life but a community as a whole. When it comes to the benefits of a Probation Officers career, one may think the benefits are gracious but in fact a probation officers pay can be quite low, about forty five thousand dollars a year on average. Not considerably bad for a starting salary and if just coming into the work force. These benefits may or may not increase over time but other benefits include medical, dental, vision and 401k plans. These other benefits can be seen as a great deal as well because one does need a career that will help them in a time of need. Other benefits one may see are the fact of being able to deal with various situations and scenarios on a day to day basis not to mention the thrill and risks waiting every day. Many want to know what it takes to become a probation officer. Well, you must be at least twenty years of age, have at least a bachelor’s degree on up to a master’s degree, depending on what probation role you are seeking. Some physical fitness also plays a role in this position; you want to be physically active with exercises, walking, jogging etc. This will assure the apprehension of an offender in the event he or she tries to run or fight. A background check will be conducted, you must pass. If all goes well and you are accepted for an interview, you will meet with the interviewing party and answer some question and also this is the time in which you also may ask questions that you seek answers to. You must pass the interview process sometimes more than one interview will be conducted. After acceptance you will have to drug test and pass. And on toward the career you have been seeking awaits you. Life as a probation officer can be stressful. This can affect a person’s life at work and home. The position requires dedication and time. You must be dedicated to the laws set forth by the people and willing to spend the time it takes to assure one’s attempt to being rehabilitated. A probation officer acts as a liaison between the courts orders to the offender and respond on the offenders behalf when the offender has either completed his or her court orders or the offender violates one or all the orders set forth by the court. These determinations will determine whether the offender is released from probation or determine that the offender cannot be rehabilitated at the time and needs to spend the rest of their time in incarceration. Anyone can become a probation officer so as long they want to help society’s not so best, become better and get rehabilitated. This position requires education, physical demand, and stress no doubt. There are some qualifications that must be met but the outcome is great. The benefits are awesome and most wouldn’t be disappointed. With this all being said you may now know whether or not a probation officer is the job for you. If Probation sounds like something you may be interested in, get information and ask questions. There is plenty more information to seek out. The career of a probation officer is not only rewarding and challenging, but comes with great benefits. If helping people is the answer to your future this position can be a great place to start. There are risks and opportunity that come with changing someone’s life whether they are young or old. Many probation officers relish the opportunity to change the lives of law offenders.
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