Monday, January 27, 2020
Human Resource Management in Residential Care Home
Human Resource Management in Residential Care Home Welcome to Kindly Residential Care Rest Home Introduction The â€Å"Employee Handbook†here summarises the procedures, policies and strategic HR practices related to and with Kindly Residential Care Rest Home. The Kindly Residential Care Rest Home is headed by the â€Å"Executive Director†who will lead the concerned staff and responsible for the development and implementation of the policies, procedures and practices that are mentioned and declared in this â€Å"Employee Handbook†. As a routine the strategic human resource management will be undertaken by the HR Managers who will be responsible for the all respective concerns of their staff teams and will make sure that this manual should be used as a reference while applying any of the strategic HR practices within the organisation to remain consistent with the goals of the organisation. The â€Å"Senior HR Manager†is accountable to maintain the policies and procedures in a systematic way within the organisation and he will be the one to deal with queries and explanations with respect to the employee handbook and remain answerable for the same. This may include questioning about the wages, allowances, holidays, sick and maternity leave, benefit packages, health plans, retirement plans, kiwi saver and insurance. In Kindly Residential Care Rest Home the HR Management is committed to recognise the strategies that involve the provision of healthcare while caring of the residents and as well as that which comes from employing staff premises and managing human resources and also the practices that are present on a daily basis throughout the organisation and to fallow health and safety legislation and safeguard procedure wherever applicable for the safety of the residents, staff and public by integrating governance and strategic human resource management[1]. The New Zealand Healthcare System For our employee it is important to understand that where we are in the NZ healthcare system and how the health system works in NZ as NZ is the country of diversity and there are lots of employee from different backgrounds cultures and countries. The following is the overview of the NZ healthcare system in the form of a flow chart. From the above flow chart we can see that the position of our rest home lies in the section of Private and NGO providers which is under the supervision of DHB (Compliance with the NZ Public health and Disability Act 2000[2]), Ministry of Health and there is additional support provided by ACC, DHB provider arm (Hospitals/GP), Private health insurance and PHARMAC (A government of NZ undertaking pharmaceuticals management company[3]). The Statement of Philosophy The statement of Kindly Residential Care Rest Home is to provide a better work atmosphere which will facilitate professional growth of the entire employee and maintain their personnel lives as well and vice versa. Not only that but it’s a duty of the HR managers and the Supervisors to foster each employee of the Rest Home on personal basis as the Kindly Care Rest Home considers its employee as an asset to the organisation. On the other hand the Kindly care Residential Rest Home will expect the fallowing responsibility of all staff. To maintain â€Å"Organisational Code of Practice†by implementing and practicing the policies of effective communication and meaningful cooperation amongst each other. To maintain â€Å"Code of Conduct†and treat each other fairly paying full respect and dignity. To bring the organisation with a great teamwork and promote harmony within the organisation. To understand the expected standards, law requirements and work place safety procedures, effective and timely communications. To promote the participation of the employees and the members and welcome their advice and suggestion to reach a decision or opinion. To help our employees in the personal development and growth in terms of achievement of their personal goal. To be committed for avoidance of any workstation conflict, and respond fatly and fairly to provide the proper medium to address it on time. To act equitably and fairly when it comes to administer the entire culture with respect to the policies. Judicial and efficient use of organisational resources. To feel and recognize that the person is important then a different kind of a jobs, that all the performances are measured in terms of determined standards without any type of discrimination. To show empathy and understanding that employees do possess the personal lives and they may experience inconvenience, distress, sickness and sadness during some events of the life and be compassionate to them[4]. The Policy Statement This HR management strategy, policy and procedures are intended to provide out the Kindly Care Residential Rest Home with key aims and objectives to develop all culture and processes within the organisation to ensure the perfect and effective system to manage the facility through our team members. The policy also outlines the key objectives and aim with respect to the Rest Home in our â€Å"Employment Handbook†. The policy executes the strategy to ensure the infrastructures required to address the strategy are in their respective place. The document will be equipped with guidance to provide advice on implementing systems that are effective in managing the facility and its employee. Who We Are We are one of the leading service providers with innovative approach in the field of quality eldercare with 88 bedded five winged multispecialty rest home with spacious rooms, separate lounges, welcoming and well-appointed outdoor areas and featured facility which includes diverse activity programmes, extra services like physiotherapy, podiatry, aromatherapy, reflexology, spa and hair saloon offering high/low care and respite care situated in the southern suburbs of kindly park, convenient to kindly shopping centre and the new kindly park interchange. None the less but we are the â€Å"Home away from Home†with an excellent eldercare service provision with a qualified and skilful staff of 103 which is scheduled 24hrly to meet all the desire of our residents day and night to ensure their health and safety and to make them as comfortable as if they are at their own home. Our Vision We want eldercare services to take account of the diversity of local populations without compromising â€Å"quality of service†. Health services should be â€Å"accessible to all†community clients and applicants for healthcare services regardless of a person’s characteristic. We see ourselves as the â€Å"innovators†to develop and raise our employee and the facility to cite an example in the field of â€Å"cost effective†eldercare. An eldercare for all under one Home! Our Mission The ultimate mission of the Kindly Residential Care Home is to be the one in the provision the â€Å"exceptional quality care†to our community residents and elderly through the services of highly â€Å"skilled and qualified staff†and to â€Å"create develop innovate†the best employees ever prepared and managed by the HR in the field of healthcare. The management’s strategy policy procedures and guidance document is to strengthen the rest home employee and the HR personnel to deal and manage the day to day operational functions to meet its management objectives in strict compliance with the standards, rules and regulations[5]. Our Core Values All the members and employee of Kindly Residential Care Rest Home will remain committed and striven by our core values and quality principles in their everyday work to achieve our mission. Our Residents: They come first. Show empathy respect and sympathy for our elders Our Facility: Our facility is of utter importance. That the facility is like resident’s home Our Participation: That residents and staff are integrated to each other with interest full participation Our Focus: That our focus is to meet residents and family (â€Å"whanau†) needs. Appropriate planning, problem preventive and problem solving approach; provide safe, competent, therapeutic care and services. Our Team Work: That pay mutual trust, respect and be loyal to the team and facility Our Quality: Our quality improvement is a continuous process. That understands the on-going process of self-evaluation, learning and continuous improvement[6]. The Scope The scope of policy is wide and applies to all Kindly Residential Care Rest Home employees, stakeholders and locum business units and partners in collaboration. Our Organisational Structure The following flow chart shows the organisational structure of our Kindly Residential Care Rest Home and Governance in accordance to the HR department and staff of the facility. [1] National Care Planning council. (1993). The Caregiver’s Handbook. Retrieved from: [2] Statistics New Zealand. (2008). Measuring Government Sector Productivity in New Zealand. Retrieved from: [3] The Healthcare in New Zealand. (2010, Jun). The Breakdown. Retrieved from: [4] HR Council for the Voluntary Non-Profit Sector. HR Toolkit. Employee Handbook. Retrieved from: [5] Convenient Home Care Services Inc. Employee Handbook. Retrieved from: [6] Employee Handbook. John Hopkins Health System Corporation. Retrieved from:
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Case Study: Alcoa’s Core Values in Practice Essay
The Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa) began its company in 1888 under the name of the Pittsburg Reduction Company. In 1907, they changed their name to Alcoa and from its inception they had a very strong value based culture. In the very beginning of their work all employers learned everything they made and did had to be aligned with the company’s values. â€Å"In 1985 Fred Fetterolf then President decided the company needed to document the values that all employees must live by: Integrity; Environment; Health and Safety; Customer; Accountability; Excellence; People; and Profitability†(Lawrence & Weber, 2011; pg.119). In the 1990’s Alcoa’s CEO Paul O’Neill, communicated his unswerving belief in the importance of health and safety, which was one of the company’s core values (Lawrence & Weber, pg. 119). Alcoa had an understanding in their code of practice that made sure safety was a primary concern and focus. The overall work climate would be classified as benevolence and principle. Alcoa also had core standards for all workers and their management believed that â€Å"no employee should be forced to work in an environment where their safety or the safety of other employee’s might be jeopardized†(Lawrence & Weber, pg. 120). The emphasis of safety had a deep and important meaning to Alcoa’s management team as they cared deeply about their employees. Most individuals already have beliefs or perceptions about what type of environment they will work in as well as what type of relationship they may form with their company or employer. â€Å"An organizations ethical work climate is an important factor to determine as it affects the nature of the relational contract between the individual and their employer (Barnett & Schubert, 2002; pg. 279). Alcoa had very strong core values for all its employees and each employee knew precisely that all decisions being made would have to meet Alcoa’s Core Standards. This shows values of benevolence and principles, because Alcoa had a huge concern for their workers. The employees also had a strong professional relationship with Alcoa because they acted with integrity and followed rules and procedures according to Alcoa’s standards. That is why Alcoa’s top management team treats all employees with integrity, honesty and fairness. They also play a huge role in developing the e thical work climate and organizational performance seen at Alcoa. Overall the company emphasized that the programs role and continuous ethics, must be continually reinforced by management (Lawrence & Weber, 2011; pg.120). â€Å"Mr. O’ Neill took the interest of the company’s values and safety into hand and required continuous improvement as everyone strove toward an ideal goal of perfection†(Lawrence & Weber, 2011; pg.120). As in life, it is perfectly fine to want to strive to become better to have overall quality and satisfaction out of life and in your business. Alcoa has a made a commitment to improving the quality of life among its employees and community as well. Overall, Alcoa’s ethical work climate is diverse and encourages open communication between workers, has ethical high principles and a very good work environment. Alcoa’s core values are held to a high standard and by setting these standards Alcoa has made a commitment to improve the moral of their company, their employees, and their consumers. REFERENCES Barnett & Schubert (2002) Perceptions of Ethical Work Climate & Covenantal Relationships. Journal of Business & Ethics. Volume 36. Number 3, page 279. Lawrence, A. T. & Weber, J. (2011). Business and society: Stakeholders, ethics, public policy (13th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. ISBN: 978-0-07-813715-0
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Heroes Character Analysis
Who is Nicole Renard? Nicole Renard is an innocent young girl who is not only Francis’ first and only love but also the victim of Larry LaSalle. Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Quotation ‘That would be nice. ’ Means? When she agrees to go to the cinema with Francis she transforms him. She offers him attention and affection that he has lack in his life so far.She enjoys his company and teases him playfully because he is so shy. ‘Stay close to me. ’ ‘Why didn’t you do something? ’ These words on the night of the civic reception indicate that she is†¦ In the aftermath of the assault Nicole becomes †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ She feels betrayed by Francis and has contempt for his †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ‘Why did you come here today? ’ These words perhaps indicate †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Examiner’s tip: writing about Nicole Nicole is flattered by the attentions of Larry. How do we know this? How does she show she enjoys her friendship with Francis? How is her relationship with Francis emotionally different to her relationship with Larry?Francis sees her as a fantasy figure; Larry sees her in a very different way. What is the effect? Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Who is Larry LaSalle? Larry is a mysterious youth worker who has the ability to find and develop the talents of young people; however, beneath the surface there lies a dark and unpleasant side. Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? AO1) I must generally refer to relev ant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Quotation ‘A tall slim man stepped into view, a lock of blond hair tumbling over his forehead, a smile that revealed dazzling moviestar teeth. ’ ‘†Good morning,†he said. â€Å"My name’s Larry LaSalle. †’ ‘He was our champion and we were happy to be in his presence. ’ ‘He applauded her, his eyes looking deeply into her, as she lay at his feet. ‘†What’s the matter? †Larry LaSalle asked. ’ ‘We have to keep the world safe for these young people – they are our future. ’ ‘Sweet young things. ’ ‘Does that one sin of mine wipe away all the good things? ’ Means? Larry is established as an attractive and glamorous figure. It is as if he has stepped down from the cinema screen as he will appear to do again later. This makes him a natural centre of attention. Right from the start Larry is out to create an impression. What role does Larry have immediately? What might Larry enjoy about this?He wins the respect and the devotion of all the young people because he is good at the things they admire. As their hero they believe that he can do no wrong. What is the effect of this? Larry’s behaviour towards Nicole is an important indication of the way he regards young women. What might this body position tell us about him? Use the words dominant and submissive in your answer. Larry has positive qualities. Thinking of his relationship with Francis, what are these? This is an indication of the way Larry always tries to say the right thing.Nicole must confront this hero – explain why this is ironic. What do these words reveal about Larry’s character? This comment might indicate that Larry does not accept the full extent of what he has done. Why does this quote suggest this? Examiner’s tip: writing about Larry Remember there is an essential dilemma at the heart of Larry’s character. Can we ever take anything he say says at face value? He appears to lack sincerity and honesty. He undoubtedly did many good things I his work as we see in chapter 5. However, can they ever excuse his behaviour as a serial abuser of women?What are the manipulative elements of Larry’s character in his ‘grooming’ of Nicole? How are you aware that it is difficult to accept anything that Larry says as the truth? How is everything he says or does designed to create an effect? Robert Cormier encourages us to look beyond Larry’s physical appearance – it changes through the novel. What are the feelings Cormier encourages us to see in him beneath both appearances? Always remember that Larry sees himself as a creative figure. In fact, he is destructive. Explain this in your own words. Can I critically respond to t he text, ‘Heroes’? AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Who is Arthur Rivier? Arthur, another ex-serviceman and local boy, was once a star baseball player for the Frenchtown Tigers and Francis remembers regarding him with admiration for his sporting prowess. When he first appeared in his uniform, Francis wants to emulate him. Arthur recognises Francis but agrees to keep the secret. Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Key Quote: Arthur Arthur: ‘No heroes in that scrap-book, Francis. Only us, the boys of Frenchtown. ’ Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes ’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;Point Explain Arthur’s character How does Arthur deal with the trauma of war? is used in the novel as a representative of all the soldiers who have suffered. Arthur appears to be positive about the future. There is a moving portrait of Arthur as a drunk. Arthur draws attention to the cruelty of war. What mask does Arthur hide behind? What does Arthur reveal here? What does he say war turns young boys in to? Who is Mrs Belander? Mrs Belander is Francis’ landlady in Frenchtown Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Key Quote: Mrs Belande r Mrs Belander: ‘Poor boy. ’ Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Point Explain Mrs Belander represents the attitude of the townspeople towards war veterans.Her home is a refuge for Francis, the only place he appears at ease. The character of Mrs Belander is used as a structural device as she is the person who unwittingly lets Francis know that Larry LaSalle has returned to Frenchtown. What is this? What effect does this have? Why does Cormier use Mrs Belander for this role? She is part of Francis’ past. Why role does Mrs Belander have in our finding out about Francis’ past? Examiner’s tip: writing about Arthur and Mrs Belander Although they have contrasting characters, Arthur and Mrs Belander represent the essential good n ature of people in Frenchtown.They both respond to Francis with understanding and offer their support to him with sympathy and respect. Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Who is Joey LeBlanc? Joey is a friend of Francis and they sometimes went to the cinema together. He would get in trouble in school by talking out of turn. The things that Joey says are an important commentary on the action.Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Key Quote: Joey Joey: ‘Better watch out, Mister LaSalle. Francis has got your number. ’ Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;Point Explain Joey is a confident boy who is the complete opposite to Francis. He lives in Francis’ memory as a lively prewar boy. He died in the war. His comments about the Wreck Centre and Larry create a sense of apprehension. He suggests Larry is not what he seems. His death at Iwo Jima shows us the indiscriminate nature of war. What effect does this have? What role does Joey therefore have after the war? What is this literary technique called and why Cormier use it? What do I mean by indiscriminate nature of war? Who is Enrico Rucelli? Enrico was a close wartime comrade of Francis.He shows great courage and is used by Cormier to illustrate some of the horrors of war. He suffered sever injuries, losing both his leg s and his left arm. Although they are very different personalities, Francis and Enrico are united by their terrible injuries and their suffering. He displays a certainty about his future plans which Francis does not. Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;Key Quote: Enrico Francis: ‘Sometimes I think he talked so much to cover up the pain. ’ Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Point Although he does not appear in the main action of the novel, his comments, as reported by Francis, are very significant? He is the first to inform the reader that Francis was awarded the Silver Star, of which Francis is ashamed.Despite the face that he has severe injuries, he still teases Francis. Although he is outwardly cheerful, his sense of despair adds to the atmosphere of the novel. Explain Why and how? Why did Cormier give Enrico this task in the novel? What does this tell us about Francis? How? He regards himself not as a person but as something which should be disposed of. What effect does this have on the reader? Examiner’s tip: writing about Joey and Enrico The purpose of these characters is to show the awful effects of war on ordinary young men. What is the effect? They entered the war out of a sense of duty but it destroyed them.They are victims, their potential destroyed forever. For Francis, the dead and the maimed always exist in his mind. Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasi ngly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Who is Dr Abrams? Dr Abrams was the doctor who treated Francis for his facial injuries and he appeared to have had some influence on the way Francis thinks about his disfigurement. Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Key Quote: Dr Abrams Dr Abrams: ‘Great strides have been made in cosmetic surgery†¦Look me up when you’ve a mind to. ’ Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;Point Dr Abrams does not appear i n the main action of the book, but his conversations form part of Francis’ memories. Dr Abrams’ comments to Francis create a grim humour in the opening chapter. His positive attitudes about the future contrast with those shown by Francis. His words add to the direct and shocking way in which Francis describes his injuries in the opening of the novel. Dr Abrams’ address and telephone number represent hope and the future. When Francis burns them in Chapter 10 it reflects Francis’ sense of despair. It is significant that at the end of the novel Francis suggests the possibility of finding Dr Abrams’ address again.Explain Why is this important? What is the effect of this humour? What effect does this have? How? What effect does this have on the reader? Why is it significant? Who is Marie LaCroix? Marie Lives in the same apartments as Francis and provides a link between Francis and Nicole. Marie acts as a confidante for Francis as he reveals to her that he like Nicole. Towards the end of the novel readers learn that Marie has continued to provide a link between the two as she has informed Nicole about Francis’ Silver Star for bravery. Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Who is Sister Mathilde and Sister Gerrude? Sister Mathilde is a figure from Francis’ past who had an influence on him when he was at school. Francis visits her in Chapter 15 to ask for information about Nicole. It is significant that she reminds Francis that everyone has secrets. Sister Gertrude was one of Francis’s teachers. As he prays in St Jude’s Church in Chapter 1, it is Sister Gerrude’s words which come into his head.Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Key Quote: Sister Mathilde Sister Mathilde: ‘I hear you served your country well. You have made us all proud. ’ Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;Who is Uncle Louis? Uncle Louis cared for Francis after the death of his parents. It is possible that Francis inherited his quiet personality from Uncle Louis, who is described as ‘a silent giant of a man’. Although he provided a home for Francis, cooked his meals and gave him a weekly allowance, he seldom spoke to him apart from asking about his day at school. Can I critically respond to the text, ‘ Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;Key Quote: Uncle Louis Francis: ‘the loneliness of the tenement drove me to the Wreck Centre. ’ Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Who is Mr Laurier? Mr Laurier, the owner of the drugstore, is another figure from Francis’ past. Francis enjoyed working in his store, particularly stocking the candy cases. It is a result of this job that Francis becomes closer to Nicole as she buys weets ad talks to him about books. Mr Laurier’s drugstore is a meeting point and an informal news centre for the people of Frenchtown. He comments significantly on the way young men are trained to kill. People can keep up to date with the progress of the war as they read the newspapers or listen to his radio. Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;Key Quote: Mr Laurier Mr Laurier: ‘A kid graduates from high school, gets six weeks of basic training with guns and grenades†¦and five months later†¦he’s fighting the Japs or the Germans. ’ to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) Can I critically respond I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Who is Louis Arabelle? Louise is Francis’ opponent in the fin al table tennis match. Louis lost the match, ensuring that Francis won the championshipCan I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Who are Norman Rocheleau, Eddie Richards, Erwin Eisenberg, Blinky Chambers, Jack Smith, Sonny Orlandi, Spooks Reilly, Billy O’Brien and Henry Johnson? All of these were wartime comrade of Francis and, with the exception of Norman Rocheleau, were all members of his platoon. They are mentioned in Francis’ nightmare in Chapter 3 and all either dies or received injuries in the war.When Francis considers what it means to be a hero in Chapter 17, these are the men he thinks about. Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly a nd increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Who are Amran Telliere, Joe LaFontaine, George Richelieu, The Strangler? These men are regulars at the St Jude Club where the war veterans meet. The Strangler is the bartended who keeps a scrapbook of Frenchtown heroes in which both Francis and Larry LaSalle figure.Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Revision 1. Where did Larry work before he arrived in Frenchtown? Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Revision 2.Wh at happened to George Richelieu in the war? Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Revision 3. Who says, ‘Is that his real name? ’ Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Revision 4.Whose words does Francis hear when he prays in St Jude’s Church? Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Revision 5. What career does Nicole suggest Francis should follow? Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;Revision 6. Why does Francis believe that he is a failure? Start: Francis is a lonely and isolated child. His view of himself is changed dramatically by his relationship with Nicole and by his involvement with the Wreck Centre. However, when she is attacked †¦ Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Revision 7. In what ways is Enrico Rucelli important in the novel?Start: Enrico is important because he helps to create the mood and atmosp here which surrounds Francis. His horrific injuries show †¦ Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Grade Booster Answer this longer practice question about the plot/action of the novel: Q: Write about the role that Joey LeBlanc plays in Heroes.For a C grade: write about the character of Joey. Show that he is an opposite of Francis. Write about their friendship and Joey’s cheeky confidence. Show the contrast in attitude they have to Nicole. Indicate that Joey says things which allow Cormier to comment on the action and set doubts in the reader’s mind. Write about the Wreck Centre and Joey’s attitude to Larry. For an A grade: make sure you do all of the above, as well as referring to his death in the war and what it represents.Show how his comments create a sense of foreboding and apprehension. Use well-chosen quotations. Show how Cormier deliberately uses him at key moments in the novel to punctuate illusions and suggest that things might not be what they seem. Can I critically respond to the text, ‘Heroes’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;
Friday, January 3, 2020
Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice Essay - 1276 Words
Pride and Prejudice Essay: Own Prompt #8-The Obscurities of the Victorian Society In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen satirizes the superficially built society in Victorian Era by pointing out the flaws with the recurring themes of marriage versus love and gender roles through dramatic irony and character relations. All relationships and the idea of true love tend to be obscured by this materialistic society that is based on wealth, power, title, and connections. Jane Austen constantly paints the Victorian scene of the socialite women gathering to discuss about the idea of marriage as Charlotte Lucas points out that â€Å"there is much gratitude or vanity in every form of attachment that it is not safe to leave any to itself†¦very few of us†¦show more content†¦Furthermore Jane Austen supports the idea that sum of true love plus marriage isn’t a fairy tale with no problems. Going through conflicts and disagreements with the significant other are what make love more passionate, strong, and deep. In the beginning, both characters dislike each other and the superficial community induces them with â€Å"pride†and â€Å"prejudice†against one another, however their love and intellectual and deep similar characteristics overpower society’s views. No matter w hat obstructive, manipulative, and perverted idea of society, their own defined complex love kept them bounded strong. Jane Austen develops Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy with more depth and intellect, to symbolize the complexity and deepness true love and marriage has to offer. She demonstrates through society’s impure views and character relationships, the theme of love and marriage often can be manipulated by the 1800s Victorian Era ideals. Jane Austen also brings out the strength that women plan in gender roles in society by employing satire. As a female British writer in the 1800s when the powerful women ruler of QueenShow MoreRelatedEssay on Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice993 Words  | 4 PagesJane Austens Pride and Prejudice In this essay I will be exploring the first chapter of the novel Pride and Prejudice in terms of how successful it is as an opening chapter and what it tells us about the rest of the story. One of the most famous first lines in literature is the opening to the book: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a wife. In this sentence, Austen immediately accomplishesRead MoreSatire in Jane Austens Pride in Prejudice Essay3688 Words  | 15 PagesJane Austen’s Satirical Writing: Analyzing the Satire of Social Class Within Pride and Prejudice  Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice delves into the issue of why social standing in a society based solely on class should not be the most important thing when evaluating the worth of a person. Through several different literary techniques – such as letters and abundant focalizers – Austen conveys important information about key issues she has with the significance placed on social standing. The themeRead MoreEssay on Letters in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice3134 Words  | 13 PagesLetters in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice is one of the great love stories of our time. Its continued popularity shows that its essential story can still be adapted to modern day life. Set in the 1800s, it tells the love story of two people who gradually learn to understand each other and themselves. In the time that the novel is set, modern means of communication, for example telephones and computers were not yet invented. The most effective way of correspondingRead MoreEssay on Jane Austens Pride And Prejudice1580 Words  | 7 Pagesabove him. On the other hand, an individual with too little pride has an attitude of mediocrity and this hinders self-realization. Disproportionate pride blinds moral judgment, creates intolerance and deters relationships. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin is a novel that portrays individual characters who demonstrate a lack of balance in the way they perceive themselves and as a result they create ruin. Pride and Prejudice tells the most cherished love stories that take place in theRead More Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice Essay2080 Words  | 9 PagesJane Austens Pride and Prejudice It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife Jane Austen used this quote to open her second book, Pride and Prejudice, which was first published in 1813. This is a story of the attitudes towards love and marriage in the nineteenth century, through the eyes of a number of people in different family situations and levels of society. It explores what was socially acceptable and Read MoreJane Austen’s Novel Pride and Prejudice Essay874 Words  | 4 Pagesadvantageous marriage for the English novelist, Jane Austen. Her realism, biting irony and social commentary have gained her historical importance among scholars and critics (Southam). Austen’s major novels, including Pride and Prejudice, were composed between the years 1795-1815. During those twenty years England was at the height of its power facing many historical landmarks (Thomson). It is no coincidence that Jane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice, coincides directly with the historical eventsRead More Letters in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice Essay2326 Words  | 10 Pagesimportant role in ‘Pride and Prejudice’. They can tie the story together because letters provide information which we would not have found out from the dialogue between the characters. We can also find out extra background inform ation which can help with the reader’s understanding of characters, the plot and the novel in general. Letters can reveal character’s personalities and how they feel about the other characters in the novel, for example Miss Bingley’s feelings about Jane. Letters are used asRead More Irony in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice Essay3430 Words  | 14 PagesIrony in Pride and Prejudice Critics have examined Jane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice, since its creation. In this novel, Austen uses and irony to produce a masterpiece. Austen opens the novel with what appears to be a sarcastic sentence. She writes, IT is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife (Austen 5). Most readers think of this as humorous and quite laughable. It does not necessarily follow that a manRead More Analysis of Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice Essay1389 Words  | 6 PagesAnalysis of Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice Pride and prejudice is a novel set in the late 17th Century and was written by author Jane Austen. The novel is based upon the theme of marriage and social settings of the 17th century. The novel is set in an era where women where 2nd class citizens and were inferior to men. This is ever so prevalent in the novel. In the time of which the novel is set women were not meant to meddle in men’s affairs theses included involving in politics, participatingRead MoreEssay on Review of Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice2388 Words  | 10 PagesReview of Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice In the eighteenth century genteel woman were based around he home life. In this era women were not independent and had no right over the property that the family may own. The times were very patriarchal, males were much more dominant and inherited the property from their families, thus giving them wealth. Women had to find wealth in an alternative way, this being marriage. Marriage was seen as the only way for women to move
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