Sunday, May 24, 2020
The School System Of The United States - 961 Words
Against School In a progressively more globalized world that necessitates more effective educational practices, the U.S., once the biggest global force in education, has seen its dominance slowly slip out, and its educational status fall even lower than that of several third-world countries. The decline experienced in American school system academic achievement is not as a result of lack of funding, but as a consequence of the overall educational system watering down. According to Gatto, educating children through the existing public school system of America is crippling rather than helping them. From his essay, ‘Against School,’ it is established that the goal of the whole public school system is to limit people’s intelligence in an attempt to create a society that is manageable. Gatto continues to state that action is needed to change this situation. He supports his assertions using current and historical information about the American school system and his personal experience . After reading his article, one realizes that most of Gatto’s arguments are true. It is true that the American education system is making the students comfort to the government and society norms, which is why they are easily bored. This essay’s goal will, therefore, be to support John Gatto’s beliefs. To begin with, Gatto utilizes historical information to question the need for getting an education using the American public school system. Past occurrences show that people do not need an educationShow MoreRelatedThe United States School Systems967 Words  | 4 PagesThe United States school systems are in trouble, and so are its teachers and principals. Michelle Rhee, former chancellor of the Washington DC public schools is enforcing standardized tests. There was a law passed, â€Å"No child left behind,†which stated that by 2014 every child in the United States should be proficient in English and mathematics. This law brought along the DC Cast Standardized Test. Rhee took this law very seriously. She was going from school to school meeting with its principal andRead MoreThe Public School System Of The United States1280 Words  | 6 PagesThe public school system in the United States was once a powerful tool for producing a well educated populous, but in recent decad es this system has failed to prepare students for a continuing education. Compulsory education focuses on preparing youth to become a member of the labor force it teaches them follow orders, to conform their life experience to that of their peers and it fails to prepare students for a college education. The pressure of authority and society is first instilled in KindergartenRead MoreThe United States s School System993 Words  | 4 Pagesstudent. Furthermore, students who drop out of school early are seen as stupid. That is not always true and they were actually better suited doing another thing, but couldn’t handle school. I believe it is time to change the U.S.’s school system because I think it would have benefited me to have been split up into groups based on learning differences and, in older grades, only have students who were committed to school rather than everybody being in school. In elementary, my fellow students and IRead MoreThe Segregated School Systems Throughout The United States1395 Words  | 6 Pagessegregated school systems throughout the United States led to questioning the lawfulness of the school districts’ refusal to integrate public schools. Oliver Brown was a representative-plaintiff and a parent of a black child who was rejected by a white school in Topeka, Kansas. On her way to school every morning, Brown’s daughter would pass several white schools before reaching her one room schoolhouse reserved for schooling the black children. According to Brown, the Kansas school system was in breechRead MoreShould We Use The Calculator Usage? The United States School System?927 Words  | 4 PagesWith the United States falling behind in mathematics, they need to take a stand against the issue – calculators. The United States is ranked thirty-fifth internationally (Desilver). Considering America is supposed to be one of the superpowers of the world, they should be ranked much higher. To climb in the ranks, the United States should stop allowing students to use their calculator as a crutch; calculator usage should be monitored and restricted in the classroom. In elementary school, there shouldRead MoreLet’s just assume that the ultimate goal of United States’ absolutely vile public school system is600 Words  | 3 PagesLet’s just assume that the ultimate goal of United States’ absolutely vile public school system is not to create an army of mindless, insipid, obedient workers that specialise in the completion of mundane and menial laborious tasks to help blindly build a malevolent dystopian corpocratic regime. But shocking and uncomfortably plausible conspiracy theories aside, let us begin by observing and acknowledging the massive flaws of the US’ public education system. There are several aspects surrounding theRead MoreCross Cultural Differences Between The United States, Finland, And South Korea Essay1738 Words  | 7 Pagesbe examining the cross-cultural differences in education between the United States, Finland, and South Korea. Education within the United States The United States education system operates by the state. Each state contains school districts which jobs are to â€Å"coordinate education policies, planning for changing educational needs within the community, and often even establishing programs curricula†(Corsi-Bunker 2). Public schools also rely heavily on local taxes to fund their educational needs, thusRead MoreLiteracy Rate For Both Female And Male Sits At 99 Per Cent922 Words  | 4 PagesIn the United States, literacy rate for both female and male sits at 99 per cent. This percentage translates into Americans having the ability to read and write and to use basic numeracy. However, over the past years the United States,in comparison to other developed nations has been constantly ranked in the bottom tier for low educational attainment. According to Pearson- the world’s leading learning company-, United States ranks fourteenth out of forty countries in the category of â€Å"cognitive skillsRead MoreEssay o n A Comparison of American and Canadian Education 865 Words  | 4 Pageseducational systems very interesting. The United States educational system is has three levels however; some school districts may subdivide elementary and secondary students to create separate schools at the middle and junior high level. Once a child turns five they begin kindergarten and stay in elementary until they graduate. From there they attend junior high, grades 5 through 8. All students enter into High School for grades 9-12 and if they are successful, they graduate with a high school diplomaRead MoreComparing Education Between United States And Nepal1689 Words  | 7 Pages Comparing Education of United States to Nepal The quality of education varies across the countries. The quality of education system of Nepal is different to United States. While comparing the quality of educations between two countries, several factors that caused were examined. These factor show that there is significant difference between the qualities of education between the two countries. Most importantly, the finding in the papers shows that the quality of education are caused due to economic
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Rufus Stokes Profile Inventions
Rufus Stokes was an inventor born in Alabama in 1924. He later moved to Illinois, where he worked as a machinist for an incinerator company. Rufus Stokes Air-Purification Device In 1968, Rufus Stokes was granted a patent on an air-purification device to reduce the gas and ash emissions of furnace and power plant smokestack emissions. The filtered output from the stacks became almost transparent. Stokes tested and demonstrated several models of stack filters, termed the clean air machine, in Chicago and elsewhere to show its versatility. Benefits of Rufus Stokes Invention The system benefited the respiratory health of people, but also eased the health risks to plants and animals. A side-benefit of reduced industrial stack emissions was the improved appearance and durability of buildings, cars, and objects exposed to outdoor pollution for lengthy periods. Patents Issued to Rufus Stokes #3,378,24 issued on 14/16/1968 for an exhaust purifier#3,520,113 issued on 7/14/1970 for an air pollution control device (shown in photo above)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Models of Decision Making Free Essays
One poor decision that I made more than a year ago happened when I was a member of the committee of a small, preliminary business company somewhere in Texas, which was only starting to burst in less than ten years of operation. Having read from articles that IT had become such an integral part of the business strategies of most companies nowadays because it made lots of money, assisted in terms of management and information, and that it kept records safer and faster, the thought made me think that IT was really what we needed. We were on the brink of entering the next higher stage of business. We will write a custom essay sample on Models of Decision Making or any similar topic only for you Order Now We did brainstorming about the next strategy to implement by the following year, so that the business would be more successful and prominent for the next stage of business. I suggested about investing with IT equipments, as this would have extended our markets and services to be able to reach out to more customers in further states. The decision turned out to be a poor one because of misapprehension and negligence, as well as the wrong choice of strategy and application. Major Analysis Using the ‘rational model’ in making individual decisions, the decision that I used in performing an IT investment to the business can be outlined as follows: I. Forming the decision A.   Identifying the problem 1. There was a problem in terms of functional and systems approach, as the manufacturing was not smooth and orderly, and the tasks were not done efficiently. 2.There was a problem when it came to supply chain management, especially that the ingredients should have already been ready by the time the orders were sent. 3.There was a problem when it came to efficient floor management, so that the preparation did not flow smoothly and quickly. B. Generating alternative solutions 1. Improve functional system by improving strategies, tasks, and goals. 2.Improve supply chain system by exchanging tighter coordination with the supplier companies. 3. Improve IT system by using the investment finance. C. Selecting a solution 1.The chosen alternative should solve or alleviate as much problems as it can handle. 2. The chosen alternative should be strategically and financially acceptable. 3.The chosen alternative should present values, information, and skills that could be availed from the existing environment. II.Negative consequences of the decision A.Negative financial consequences 1. About 68% of the total available fund did not bring about the expected results. 2.Overall profit landed at merely $97,000, with a loan amounting to $200,000 plus company expenses. B.Negative motivational consequences 1.The staffs and the committee lost motivation after being announced that the company had lost more than half of the expected returns. 2.The staffs and the committee lost motivation because the company almost fell to bankruptcy. C.Negative personal feedback 1. I lost my position as the second adviser of the finance administration. 2.I was almost fired from the company. III.Importance of the decision A.Importance to the company 1. The decision would have solved problems in functional, supply chain, and efficient floor management. 2.The decision would have created a link and opportunity with strong IT companies in the environment. B.Importance to the higher staffs 1.Improvement in the functional and efficient floor management would have led to higher profits and bigger returns. 2. Improvement in profits and returns would have led to bigger opportunities and investments. C.Importance to me 1.The decision, if it were successful, would have promoted me as the first adviser of the finance administration. 2. The decision, if it were successful, would have motivated me to do bigger projects amid the risks. Three decision theories, which were exercised in the planning and implementation of the decision were the following: First and foremost is the ‘rational model’, which centers on comprehensive rationality and the sense of the alternatives. The rational model arrives at a decision by going over the four distinct steps: first is identifying the problem; second is generating alternative solutions; third is selecting the solution; fourth and final is implementing and evaluating the solution (Baker III, 2001, p.1). It presents the decision-making process by helping me, first, in pointing out what exactly is the problem in the company; then by thinking of the alternatives that can be used, which would solve the issues that were at hand. Second decision theory that was used in the planning and implementation of the decision is the ‘political model’, which uses the organization as a coalition, with procedural rationality having to control the decision making process. In this model, what controls are the following aspects: first is environmental uncertainty; second is resource dependence; third is task interdependence; fourth and final is goal conflict (Rotman School of Management, 2001, p.4). The rationality of the procedure appears to be most important. Third theory that was used in the decision making process is the ‘instance-based model’, wherein decisions are based on instances and the chosen alternative sprouts through ‘accumulated experience’ (GonzalezLebiere, 2004, p.8). Because we have known other companies that became successful after investing in the IT, such as Vanguard Group, then it became reasonable for us that our company will also succeed in terms of IT investment. We failed to conclude that the internal and external environments are two very important factors. Conclusion Based on my analysis in the recent pages, it appears that making judgments and decisions for a company should not rely solely on one person or group of persons. There should be brainstorming from different groups that believe on different ways and strategies. People make judgments almost too hastily. Each factor should be analyzed slowly and efficiently, especially when it comes to the finances and the returns of the finances. As for me, I have learned the lesson that it takes two to tango†¦ not just two, in fact; the more there is then the better. It is good to make decisions in pairs†¦ but a great deal better if we do them in numerous pairs. References Baker III, E. (2001). Decision making. Retrieved November 23, 2007, from Dr. H. Eugene Baker’s Homepage: Rotman School of Management. (2001). Contingency framework: models of decision making. Retrieved November 23, 2007  How to cite Models of Decision Making, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Keep the arts in schools Essay Example For Students
Keep the arts in schools Essay Lately, some schools plan or already have taken away the arts programs from the schools and its students. Schools lose more money every year as budgets become lower. Many school districts have already decided that taking away these programs would help save money, The music and music programs should absolutely not be cut from schools because many jobs could be impacted or even lost. Students need to be able to have creativity in their lives and should be able to express themselves. These programs are also essential for students going into college to study these programs. Lastly, studies show that students in these programs have shown to do much better in school than students who are not involved in the music or arts departments. What school administrators do not realize is the problems that could arise from these budget With these cuts some teachers can lose their jobs which do not help with the unemployment problem we have in America today. We will write a custom essay on Keep the arts in schools specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Teachers, who have worked hard, event through many years of schooling end up losing their jobs or are forced to teacher other classes and losing their jobs after all their hard work is not fair to them. Many teachers Who end up teaching multiple classes end up becoming vendors. The numbers of art teachers are decreasing year by year. In an article written in 2011, it was planned to lay Off 4, 100 teachers to save up to 269 million dollars in New York alone (Phillips). Many of the people who support the arts claim that when money gets tight the first to be affected is the arts. These budget cuts can be very devastating to teachers who have taught for many years then suddenly lose their jobs because of money troubles, Gene Amatol, a music teacher from New Jersey, says, l never thought I loud be in a position to be 50-players old and no job, I have a masters in music and have some experience, And all of a sudden youre kind of thrown on your back. Amatol taught for 20 years till he was laid off (Tracy). However, there are limited arguments supporting the arts programs being cut. The main reason is just to save money tort the schools, and the second main reason is that art distracts students, and it makes them focus on extracurricular activities more than mathematics, English, and other academic subjects. Some people blame art and music for low test scores, but if they want to say that hose programs should take the blame for children not focusing on schools main subjects then they might as well cut sports and other clubs as well. Low test scores should not be blamed for certain classes or sports. If schools want their students grades to become higher then it is in the students hands to study more and pay attention. The student has the choice whether or not to study for a test or do last nights homework. Students should be allowed to express themselves if they are passionate about art. These students should have at least one exciting class so they do not have to sit in a classroom all day. They usually end up not paying attention and become bored anyways. People need to realize there are major positive affects that the arts programs can have on a childs life. For music, it can help people concentrate and it improves peoples hearing and memory (Stilt). Students who learn to read music are basically learning a new language. Music improves math and reading and upgrades creativity, social development, personality adjustment, and self-worth (11 facts), In art, it improves holistic health and supports emotional brainpower, Schools are extremely worried about test scores like the Stats, but what some schools do not know that studying in art actually can have an effect on these scores. Studies have shown those students who have studied art for four years or more scored 543 verbally and SAA in math. Students that have a half a year or less in art scored around 485 verbally and 502 in math (Stilt). .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802 , .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802 .postImageUrl , .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802 , .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802:hover , .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802:visited , .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802:active { border:0!important; } .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802:active , .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802 .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud34539a44f5ad7a64290ac3658464802:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Describe An Issue of Personal Concern EssayStudents who have been in the arts program for more than four years are recognized for their academic achievements and for school attendance (1 1 facts). Students who are in art and music show to have better judgment skills, and are better with problem solving. It also can give some more motivation to go to school (Birdman). Cutting art will have a huge impact on everyone; if it is cut now for younger children then the future will be different than how it is today. An art teacher from Churchill school, in New York says We as humans are designed to be well- rounded; we have two halves of the brain. ?re not ignoring that right side of the brain, but were certainly undeserving that side Of the brain (Birdman). At the Pontiac Junior high school. The music and art program were going to be cut, but the school and the community helped raise money to keep the band aerogram going. The only reason why the band program is going today is because it is supported by the band savers. Not only does this affect the school but it affects Pontiac Township high school as well. Fifth hand at the junior high were to be cut that means no new band students for the high schools band. As students graduate, the band becomes smaller and smaller to where there would be not much of a band or barely a band with students with not as much experience. Some schools only get at least one quarter of Art, but most schools will not be able to have art classes at all. Many students who would like to colleges and institutes for the arts, music, band, and the performing arts to study in their future careers. Schools today can give these students the practice and experience for their preparations in going to college. If they start off early they become more skilled, and later in the future they may find out if they wanted to do something with it in their future careers They should not cut it for younger children either. In their art classes they learn the basics. The class helps them learn to draw, paint, and everything a young child should learn. Learning art at a monger age can definitely have positive affects for children in the future. Art is something major for children at a younger age in schools. All young children should start off with the experience of creativity in art. Schools that have arts programs create Stronger learning environments for its students. They also come off as Tees of a boring school. Not many children, or teenagers like going to school Often, so Why take the one thing away from them that they actually enjoy. Many students like knowing the fact that after 45 minutes of sitting in a math class that the next period they get to go to an art class. It is like giving them a break from all the learning. There are many who oppose the idea of taking away the band, performing arts, and art classes away, but there are many who approve of it because it distracts students, and to save money. It would be even better if it was even possible that more money would be just given to the schools so nothing would even have to be cut. Many think it be right for money to be given where it is needed. Since it is not that easy people have to fight for what they want and believe it, Students in school today are the future. Many jobs could be lost and lots tot changes would e made to the schools, Students also need the creativity in their lives, some students want to a future in art so they need to be prepared.
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